Haunted Explorations Events

Intro to Demonology

2025 Dates Coming Soon


Whether you want to learn more about the darker side in order to avoid it or to help people living it, you should know the basics of demonology.

An introduction to the darker side of paranormal research. Learn the basics demonology based on real cases from infestation through possession and exorcisms Learn about the risks, pitfalls and entities you may encounter.

The class is given by Dave Juliano (www.dave-juliano.com). He not only has 37 years of experience investigating and helping to resolve negative cases but he also has lived through demonic attacks in his personal life. This gives him a unique perspective. He knows what is like to deal with the most extreme cases as well as being the victim of demonic attacks. He personal experiences are what drives him to help as many people as he can. Part of that mission is to help other paranormal investigators, whether they handle negative cases or not, understand this side of the field so they can stay and keep others safe.

From infestations, oppression and possession to exorcisms and deliverances. Learn about the risks, pitfalls and entities you may encounter.

A Special Note from Dave:  

Whether or not you are involved in cases that may involve negative or demonic entities you should still know the basics simply because you never know when something might suddenly pop up. I feel that information about the darker side of the paranormal is important for people who have no inclination whatsoever to handle any kind of case like that. It may be even more important for them simply because you want to be able to see some of the warning signs and know exactly when a case that comes in is something that you should probably get a consultation for or handed off entirely. It’s a basic safety issue in my mind. For the minority of us that to handle that negative and extreme cases, I feel this is still important because we always need to be learning more and sharing experiences with other people in the field. The more information we can get concerning experiences with the darker entities, the better prepared we may be. I require all members of my team, including ones that have been doing it for many years, to take this class every single time I give it because you can never hear this information to many times and the class is always evolving because it’s based on my personal experiences as well as the cases that I have dealt with in the past and current cases. My goal is to try to keep as many people safe by giving them enough knowledge to know when to seek assistance with the case and also to open channels of communication between people who are working in the paranormal field and come across or handle the negative and demonic cases. I also want to keep as many clients as safe as possible by helping you understand the many different dynamics that are at play in a negative case. The emotions and mental well-being of someone that contacts us is extremely important. The spirits and situations can weigh heavily on the people who are targets. If those people already have pre-existing anxiety, depression and other issues this can be compounded by the experiences they’re going through and the spirits that are at play could be intentionally manipulating those issues. No one is an expert; all I can share is my experience and what I’ve seen in my 34 years in the paranormal field.” – Dave Juliano

Some of the Past Class Flyers and Information


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